Visible Minorities Workplace Resources
Research & Reports
Diversity Works – Executive Summary and Recommendations
Canadian Association for Supported Employment (CASE) explored of the employment journeys of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour who experience disability
Supporting The Careers Of Individuals Who Are Black, Indigenous And People Of Colour
This articles explores how systemic racism in Canada has affected individuals who are Black, Indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC), and for many has had a negative impact on their career pathways. As a career practitioner it is important to understand how systemic racism affects the clients you see and to assess how you can help dismantle a system that can be oppressive to ensure everyone has an opportunity to succeed in their careers.
Community Resources
ASE Community Foundation Professional Training and Development
The ASE Community offers an intersectional approach to supporting organizations, staff, and managers on their equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) journey. Their work is grounded in research, professional experience, and expertise in understanding and addressing ableism, racism, and gender-based discrimination; with a specific focus on the systemic challenges faced by Black people in disabilities.
Black Women in Motion Training and Consultation Services
The Black Women in Motion team provides organizations and businesses support in developing programs, tools, resources and environments, that are de-colonial, anti-racist, survivor-centred and culturally-relevant.
Sustaining the Black Lives Matter Movement in the Workplace
This toolkit developed by the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion can guide how employers can support Black employees by sustaining the ideals behind the Black Lives Matter movement to create a more inclusive workplace.